2 months ago

Greenhouse Canada - Tomato, Cucumber, Pepper 2025

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  • Fruits
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  • Varieties
  • Tomato
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  • Zaden
  • Enza
  • Variety

18 | Enza

18 | Enza Zaden

PepperRed BlockyMathieu (E20B.0572)Mathieu (E20B.0572) is a red blocky variety with a medium to tall plant structure, known forits high yield and stable quality. This variety features easy fruit setting and rapid coloring,producing fruits with a higher average weight. Mathieu shows exceptionally performanceacross all regions, consistently maintaining its size even during the summer months. Itis suitable for both poly and glass greenhouses, adapting to various growing conditions.Additionally, this variety has excellent shelf life, ensuring long-lasting freshness andquality of the fruits.HR: Tm:0-3IR: TSWV:0Mathieu (E20B.0572)MacubaMacuba is a high quality blocky red variety, this variety stands out for its speed, consistentfruit shapes and high yield. Macuba sets flowers very easily and is early into production.The fruit are a glossy red with a firm fruit wall. The plant is compact and open making for anice labor friendly plant.HR: Tm:0-2IR: TSWV:0/LtMaurenoMaureno is an adaptable variety that sets fruit easily and is extremely fast to maturefrom dark green to red. Fruits are an ideal size for pre-pack and bagging, with excellentuniformity and shelf-life. The plant is strongly generative, maintaining good production.HR: Tm:0-3MaurenoMargretheMargrethe is a vigorous blocky red pepper with fruit are slightly larger than Maureno, butstill maintain a proper size for pre-pack and bagging. The plant is strong and sets fruiteasily. Immature fruit are a dark green and are medium-fast to mature to an attractive red.HR: Tm:0-3Margrethe19 | Enza Zaden

Enza Zaden Brochures