Mini CucumberAnalisaAnalisa is a heated mini cucumber with generative and open plant, strong growth andshorter internodes. Dark green fruit color, modern fruit shape (cylindrical), small flowerscars and very uniform fruits.HR: CcuIR: CMV/CVYV/Px/CGMMVAnalisaMarilisaMarilisa performs great in high and low wire productions. This is a strong variety with anopen plant architecture that is high yielding and has a high and stable fruit quality, alongwith a very strong resistance against Px and CGMMV.HR: Ccu/Px/CGMMVIR: CMV/CVYVMarilisaTapioTapio is a snacking cucumber variety, recommended for high wire production. Its compactplant has improved growing power and fruiting per node, adding more yield potential. It hasa medium to small leaf that is dark-green with elegant, and compact shoots.HR: CcuIR: CMV/Px/CGMMVTapio16 | Enza Zaden
LET CucumberDee FreeceDee Freece is adapted for high wire production The vigor and power of the plantcombines to yield high productivity and excellent fruit quality. This variety producesearly fruit and maintains a strong setting throughout the production season.HR: Cca/Ccu/CGMMVIR: CVYV/Px/CMVDee VotionDee Votion is a variety for high wire lit crops. It is high yielding with a large proportion ofthe fruits harvested as medium sized. It has a vigorous but generative plant combinedwith a labor efficient plant architecture.HR: Cca/Ccu/CGMMVIR: CMV/CVYV/PxDee FreeceDee Votion17 | Enza Zaden
Greenhouse Canada - Tomato, Cucumber, Pepper 2025
Mini CucumberAnalisaAnalisa is a heated mini cucumber with generative and open plant, strong growth andshorter internodes. Dark green fruit color, modern fruit shape (cylindrical), small flowerscars and very uniform fruits.HR: CcuIR: CMV/CVYV/Px/CGMMVAnalisaMarilisaMarilisa performs great in high and low wire productions. This is a strong variety with anopen plant architecture that is high yielding and has a high and stable fruit quality, alongwith a very strong resistance against Px and CGMMV.HR: Ccu/Px/CGMMVIR: CMV/CVYVMarilisaTapioTapio is a snacking cucumber variety, recommended for high wire production. Its compactplant has improved growing power and fruiting per node, adding more yield potential. It hasa medium to small leaf that is dark-green with elegant, and compact shoots.HR: CcuIR: CMV/Px/CGMMVTapio16 | Enza Zaden
LET CucumberDee FreeceDee Freece is adapted for high wire production The vigor and power of the plantcombines to yield high productivity and excellent fruit quality. This variety producesearly fruit and maintains a strong setting throughout the production season.HR: Cca/Ccu/CGMMVIR: CVYV/Px/CMVDee VotionDee Votion is a variety for high wire lit crops. It is high yielding with a large proportion ofthe fruits harvested as medium sized. It has a vigorous but generative plant combinedwith a labor efficient plant architecture.HR: Cca/Ccu/CGMMVIR: CMV/CVYV/PxDee FreeceDee Votion17 | Enza Zaden
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