2 months ago

Greenhouse Canada - Tomato, Cucumber, Pepper 2025

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  • Tomato
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TomatoMidi PlumSunstream

TomatoMidi PlumSunstream Alon (E15C.43418)Sunstream Alon (E15C.43418) has an efficient plant with a very high cluster development(4 cl. more than Sunstream) that creates a very high production with the fruit attachmentand a nice appearance of the fruits/cluster.HR:ToMV:0-2/ToBRFV/Fol:0,1IR:Ma/Mi/MjSunstream Alon (E15C.43418)Sunstream KeysSunstream Keys has a High Resistance to ToBRFV and a more open plant habit high yieldand nice compact clusters.HR: ToMV:0-2/ToBRFV /Va:0/Vd:0/Fol:0, 1IR: OnSunstream LauSunstream Lau has a distinctive blocky shaped plum-on-the-vine with a proven aromatictaste.HR: ToMV:0-2/ToBRFV /Va:0/Vd:0/Fol:0, 1IR: OnPlumSan Blas (E15M.43246San Blas (E15M.43246)San Blas (E15M.43246) is a highly productive plum variety producing quality fruit whichcan be used both loose and on-the-vine.HR: ToMV:0-2/ToBRFV /Pf:A-E/Va:0/Vd:0/Fol:0IR: TSWV/On/SsCedrosCedros produces uniform fruit with an intense red color that ripen quickly. The strong andsemi-open plant structure allow make it a grower friendly variety.HR: ToBRFV,ToMV:0-2/Va:0/Vd:0/Fol:0-2IR: TSWV/TYLCV/On/Ma/Mi/MjCedros10 | Enza Zaden

TomatoBaby PlumIcaria (E15C.42988)Icaria (E15C.42988) is a high quality baby plum with a very good shelf life and a good taste,which can perform very well in strong summers.HR: ToMV:0-2/ToBRFV /ToANV /Fol:0,1IR: Ma/Mi/MjGoldstream (E15C.43442)Goldstream (E15C.43442) is a yellow baby plum with a vigorous plant and a nice stable fruitweight.HR: ToMV:0-2/ToANV /ToBRFV /Va:0/Vd:0/Fol:0IR: TSWV /TYLCV /Ss/Ma/Mi/MjIcaria (E15C.42988)Corcega (E15C.43445)Corcega (E15C.43445) is a brown baby plum with a vigorous plant and an excellent taste.HR: ToMV:0-2/ToANV /ToBRFV /Va:0/Vd:0/Fol:0IR: TSWV /TYLCV /Ss/Ma/Mi/MjSerifos (E15C.43447)Serifos (E15C.43447) is an orange baby plum with a vigorous plant and a high amount offruits.HR: ToMV:0-2/ToANV /ToBRFV /Fol:0IR: TSWV /TYLCV /Ss/Ma/Mi/MjGoldstream (E15C.43442)HaitiHaiti has a strong and well balanced plant structure that produces great tasting and highquality red fruit clusters.HR: ToMV:0-2/ToANV/ToBFRV/Pf:A-E/Fol:0-2IR: TYLCV/ OnPascuaPascua has a strong and vigorous plant along with a high capacity to produce quality fruitclusters. This variety has great tasting and uniform fruit.HR: ToMV:0-2/ToANV/ToBRFV/Pf:A-E/Fol:0-2IR: TYLCV/OnSerifos (E15C.43447)11 | Enza Zaden

Enza Zaden Brochures