7 years ago

The Partnership no. 8

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  • Products
  • Lettuce
  • Partnership
  • Enza
  • Varieties
  • Vegetables
  • Zaden
  • Growers
  • Vegetable
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Contract farming “That

Contract farming “That was a difficult time,” says Semenov. “Many producers, We also called in the help of renowned consultancies. That way consumer oriented advertising campaign, its sales volume has “Salad production is our core business,” explains Semenov. “Some including a few contract growers, seized the opportunity of the we ultimately arrived at three promising clusters of values: Sense increased by 74%. The past few years consumption patterns have of the required ingredients we grow ourselves, but over the years sudden scarcity to raise their prices to absurd levels. Of course we of Family, Health & Sport Foods and Luxury.” Those values find really changed in Russia. Salads were traditionally hearty, substantial we’ve had to obtain ever more of them from third parties. This didn’t accept that. And fortunately there were also producers with a expression in the products’ packaging, characterised by bright, affairs with potato as their main ingredient. People were not used to geographical spreading of our crops means that we are assured of a more long-term perspective. With them we can continue to realise light colours and transparent parts, and of course in the eating anything different. Now, most middle- and high-class Russian supply of high-quality fresh produce at all times.” Because of the our growth ambitions to our mutual benefit. We expect that composition of the salads. A cute white rabbit that immediately consumers know what Waldorf salad is, and how it should taste. strict product specifications, BD Salads likes to work with long-term consumer expenditure will soon begin to increase again. That will be appeals to consumers links all the products in the range. I’m proud that our company has helped to achieve this.” contracts based on fixed prices and volumes. The company’s good for our premium products too.” agronomists select the desired varieties, compose the crop recipes and support the more than forty Russian suppliers in different regions. They report to the managers every week, enabling them to Brand development Marketing A young, enthusiastic marketing team promotes the brand in Three new cutting facilities In spite of the temporary relapse since last summer, Semenov take measures when supplies arrive earlier or later due to weather Semenov aims to ensure professionalism and perfection in all parts other ways, too. Besides the website, advertisements and free intends to continue with his strategy of promoting BD salads in conditions. of his company. In the outside world that is most evident in the publicity in traditional media they also use social media such as value added products segments. The company has good shelf company’s progressive brand strategy, in which it has invested a lot YouTube, Facebook and food blogs. Under the motto ‘Be good positions at Russia’s leading supermarket chains, among which are Temporary relapse of effort. “We began to seriously develop our brand in 2009,” says Semenov. “We had been selling our products in supermarkets for and tell it’ they have many times called Russian consumers’ attention to the freshness, healthiness, vitality and affordable Magnit, X-5 Retail and Auchan. “Those chains will continue to grow, while discount stores are not really in keeping with our brand In the summer of 2014 Russia’s ban on the import of vegetables and some time by then, but they were more or less anonymous. We luxury that BD Salads aims to promote. And of course also to the image,” explains Semenov. The company also intends to continue other products from the European Union caused the company wanted to do things properly and effectively the first time round, so products’ delicious taste. Semenov: “We had to build our its own expansion plans. They include new production locations serious problems, as that’s where part of its produce came from. we took a close look at Russian and foreign companies which in our consumer brand BD Salads from scratch, but we’ve evidently near Saint Petersburg in the northwest, near Azov in the south and Semenov had to quickly supplement his supplies from Russia itself. opinion employed a successful strategy. scored a bull’s eye. Since 2010, when we launched our first near Novosibirsk to the east of the Urals. Those factories will also have a capacity of around 50 tonnes a day. “They will expand our geographical span, because there’s a limit to the distances that fresh salads can be transported. They shouldn’t really travel much more than 1,000 km or else their shelf life will start to decrease.” Belaya Dacha Trading is also expanding its own cultivation facilities with a greenhouse complex with an area of seven hectares in south Russia, where it’s going to grow babyleaf lettuce varieties and various types of tomatoes. Good varieties and support Growth and product innovation are impossible without a frequent supply of new or better resources. Semenov greatly appreciates Enza Zaden’s active role in this respect. “We’ve had a good relationship with them for ten years now,” he explains. “Enza Zaden has excellent varieties for almost all the lettuce segments, such as its Diamond iceberg lettuce. The company also provides practical support in the field, to help growers get the best out the varieties. Their product specialists help our agronomists and suppliers to improve their results, and they cooperate in product trials in which we can objectively evaluate new varieties. I have seen several trials and am almost certain that our salads will include various new Enza Zaden varieties next year.” The Partnership | 21

Enza Zaden Brochures