6 years ago

Catalogue West and Central Africa 2018

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  • Onion
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Yellow-brown onion

Yellow-brown onion Anakin • Anakin is a fresh market onion with a very nice dark brown skin colour. • It is an early short-day onion, suitable for cultivation in the tropics and strong against foliage diseases. • The variety is commonly cultivated in the dry season and matures 90 days after transplanting. • It has a potential yield of up to 100 tons/ha if good growing conditions are met. • Storability is up to 4 months. Anakin Luminosa • Mid Short Day yellow with excellent vigour, roots and tops and good dark skin colour. • It behaves very well during the rainy season using raised beds. • This variety is a response to onion growers who want to grow brown onions in the rainy season. . Luminosa 6 | Enza Zaden

Variety Cultivation Bulb Storage (months) Size (mm) Shape Remarks Red This is a very nice dark brown skin onion hybrid. Good against foliage diseases. Good Anakin Short day 70-110 2-4 for dry season = cultivation flattened globe with = yields to grano globe of globe up to 100 tons/ha. Some potential production regions include areas located above 1500 m in West and Southern Africa. This is a vigorous growing hybrid onion. It has a very uniform size. It is a very flexible Buccaneer Short day 60-95 3-5 variety tolerating different climatic conditions in a wide range of growing areas. It could be sown = flattened in November-December globe = to grano globe globe and harvested in May-June. Potential production regions are mostly tropical, West, South and East Africa. Regent Early short day Early Short Day light browned skin hybrid onion which has globe shaped firm bulbs 70-100 2-3 with reasonable storage potential - especially good for an early variety. This variety is = flattened capable of globe high = to yield grano globe potential. globe Tolerance to Downy Mildew. Mature at 20-24 weeks after transplanting Yellow onion in the mid-day split, with excellent vigor from the roots to the peaks. Luminosa Short day 70-110 2-4 Dark skin color. = flattened It behaves globe very = to well grano globe during globethe rainy season using raised beds. This is a very early short day with very strong roots. It matures in 80 days after Chelsea Short day 70-100 2-3 = flattened transplanting. globe = It to grano has globe strong globeplant vigour and has more yield than Morena. It can be cultivated in regions between approx. 250 and 350 latitude. Baiana is a late short day onion for the fresh market. It has multiple thin shiny well Baiana Late day 70-100 2-3 retained light brown skins, with strong foliage in tropical wet seasons. It is showing a lot of potential = flattened for low land globe equatorial = grano globe globe wet seasons in areas where wet seasons are not very wet. They can be sown in May-July to be harvested in November-December. = globe = flattened globe = flattened = flattened grano globe globe = to grano globe = globe to grano globe globe Enza Zaden | 7

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